
The Rorya District is a district in Mara Region of The Republic of Tanzania, East Africa, and home to about 300.000 people. The district capital is the village of Ingri Juu, while the largest town is Shirati. Lake Victoria lies to the west, and the Republic of Kenya to the north. The majority of inhabitants of the Rorya district are from the Luo tribe, an ethnic group that lives in Northern Tanzania and Western Kenya. Luo women are incredibly tough. Our MHA’s are hard workers and very driven to learn new things.



Maternal Health Advocates (MHA) are local women trained by Mama Maisha to provide education, support and empowerment to women. They hold weekly meetings on health and safety topics, provide antenatal checkups, help plan a safe delivery, and facilitate emergency services.

Making a difference, every day.


Also (photos to come):
Joyce James, Joyce Onyango, Zilpa Msafiri, and Rozi Agoro